Forest plot of coefficients
- beta
regression coefficients from each analysis
- stders
standard errors corresponding to betas
# Generate effects
library(clusterGeneration )
n = 4
Sigma = cov2cor(genPositiveDefMat(n)$Sigma)
beta = t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, n), Sigma))
stders = rep(.1, n)
# set names
rownames(Sigma) = colnames(Sigma) = LETTERS[1:n]
rownames(beta) = names(stders) = LETTERS[1:n]
# Run random effects meta-analysis,
# account for correlation
RE2C( beta, stders, Sigma)
#> stat1 stat2 RE2Cp RE2Cp.twoStep QE QEp Isq
#> 1 17.2959 579.4899 7.438565e-131 NA NA NA NA
# Make plot
plotForest( beta, stders )