Fixed effect meta-analysis for correlated test statistics
Fixed effect meta-analysis for correlated test statistics using the Lin-Sullivan method using Monte Carlo draws from the null distribution to compute the p-value.
- beta
regression coefficients from each analysis
- stders
standard errors corresponding to betas
- cor
correlation matrix between of test statistics. Default considers uncorrelated test statistics
- nu
degrees of freedom
number of Monte Carlo samples
- seed
random seed so results are reproducable
The theoretical null for the Lin-Sullivan statistic for fixed effects meta-analysis is chisq when the regression coefficients are estimated from a large sample size. But for finite sample size, this null distribution is not well characterized. In this case, we are not aware of a closed from cumulative distribution function. Instead we draw covariance matrices from a Wishart distribution, sample coefficients from a multivariate normal with this covariance, and then compute the Lin-Sullivan statistic. A gamma distribution is then fit to these draws from the null distribution and a p-value is computed from the cumulative distribution function of this gamma.
# sample size
n = 30
# number of response variables
m = 6
# Error covariance
Sigma = genPositiveDefMat(m)$Sigma
# regression parameters
beta = matrix(.6, 1, m)
# covariates
X = matrix(rnorm(n), ncol=1)
# Simulate response variables
Y = X %*% beta + rmvnorm(n, sigma = Sigma)
# Multivariate regression
fit = lm(Y ~ X)
# Correlation between residuals
C = cor(residuals(fit))
# Extract effect sizes and standard errors from model fit
df = lapply(coef(summary(fit)), function(a)
data.frame(beta = a["X", 1], se = a["X", 2]))
df =, df)
# Meta-analysis assuming infinite sample size
# but the p-value is anti-conservative
LS(df$beta, df$se, C)
#> beta se p
#> 1 0.7279843 0.1105251 4.50028e-11
# Meta-analysis explicitly modeling the finite sample size
# Gives properly calibrated p-values
# nu is the residual degrees of freedom from the model fit
LS.empirical(df$beta, df$se, C, nu=n-2)
#> beta se p
#> 1 0.7279843 0.1105251 4.746988e-07