Estimate the covariance/correlation between columns as the weighted sum of a low rank matrix and a scaled identity matrix. The weight acts to shrink the sample correlation matrix towards the identity matrix or the sample covariance matrix towards a scaled identity matrix with constant variance. An estimate of this form is useful because it is fast, and enables fast operations downstream.

  lambda = NULL,
  compute = c("covariance", "correlation"),
  warmStart = NULL



data matrix with n samples as rows and p features as columns


the rank of the low rank component


shrinkage parameter. If not specified, it is estimated from the data.


compute the 'covariance' (default) or 'correlation'


result of previous SVD to initialize values


eclairs object storing:

  • U: orthonormal matrix with k columns representing the low rank component

  • dSq: eigen-values so that \(U diag(d^2) U^T\) is the low rank component

  • lambda: shrinkage parameter \(\lambda\) for the scaled diagonal component

  • nu: diagonal value, \(\nu\), of target matrix in shrinkage

  • n: number of samples (i.e. rows) in the original data

  • p: number of features (i.e. columns) in the original data

  • k: rank of low rank component

  • rownames: sample names from the original matrix

  • colnames: features names from the original matrix

  • method: method used for decomposition

  • call: the function call


Compute \(U\), \(d^2\) to approximate the covariance/correlation matrix between columns of data matrix X by \(U diag(d^2 (1-\lambda)) U^T + diag(\nu * \lambda)\). When computing the covariance matrix \(\nu\) is the constant variance which is the mean of all feature-wise variances. When computing the correlation matrix, \(\nu = 1\).